Friday, March 23, 2007

what game?

K: No slutty business now, boys.

And with that, they were off. Three boys into the unforgiving world of social calamity and delusions. In other words, the playing field. Real world game. We all attempt it, and often times with unfounded eagerness. But, why? Why the insatiable need to talk, play, and obsess over The Game? And why the reluctant, yet naively hopeful search for validation in the places we are sure to find it the least?

"You are not the kind of guy who would be at a place like this at this time of morning. But here you are, and you cannot say that the terrain is entirely unfamiliar, although the details are fuzzy. You are at a nightclub talking to a girl with a shaved head...The night has already turned on that imperceptible pivot where two A.M. changes to six A.M. ...

You don't want to be talking to this bald girl, or even listening to her, which is all you are doing, but just now you do not want to test the powers of speech or locomotion...

The bald girl is emblematic of the problem. The problem is, for some reason you think you are going to meet the kind of girl who is not the kind of girl who would be at a place like this at this time of the morning. When you meet her you are going to tell her that what you really want is a house in the country with a garden. New York, the club scene, bald women - you're tired of all that. Your presence here is only a matter of conducting an experiment in limits, reminding yourself of what you aren't. "

-Jay McInerney in Bright Lights, Big City

People are lonely. When I look over at my very bare special finger on the left, I am reminded that I have reason to be too. What good was it to spare that finger from my old violent habit of cracking knuckles just to keep it slender for the rock it was to behold? Silly, but precocious little girl. Anyway, my recent stints of venturing onto the nightlife scene have reminded me why I took my hiatus many moons ago. Incompatibility. The Game is not there; at least not for me. I want real adventures. The quality kind.

According to some, we are all inevitably pawns in this so called Game. If that is the case, then I resign to the fact that by upping the ante in my playing field, I may be indenturing myself to a long and potentially fruitless journey ahead.

J: You know what it is? We're not the kind of girls people date. We're the kind of girls people marry.
K: ...Hmm.

I am A-OK with that.

oh that bare finger of yours will soon carry a rock from one awesome MAN, not game-boy.
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