Thursday, March 29, 2007

i'm alive!!!

...but just barely. I am stupid. Old chicken is a no-no, and if you knew how old, then you would shake your head and REALLY think I was stupid. AKwon, the scientist, says the bacteria in rotting foods emit toxins that are carcinogenic to the body. Excellent.

Food poisoning stinks. Vomiting for 9 hours straight stinks even more. And then there's the writhing in pain, cold sweats, fierce body convulsions, and throbbing head. I feel like someone shat on my face and then threw me under a bus. I missed all my appointments, didn't do my research, and will be out of commission for a bit longer. That's right, WOE IS ME.

I couldn't be more lucky to have a friend like Jojo at a time like this. Only the good girls have this maternal nursing quality about them, and only the GREAT girls would sacrifice themselves to offer it to an ailing friend. She came over last night armed with diet ginger ale, fat-free crackers, and a meh-woon hand to slap me repeatedly for my stupidity. Not only is this girl conscientious of my diet in times of illness, but she also generously reminded me of the good 'ol korean parenting days of "I-hit-you-because-I-love-you". Ah, nostalgia. I know beneath the scolding and yelling is a heart bursting with love=) She stayed the whole night to listen to me barf my brains out despite having to teach a full day's worth of 6th grade inner city torture the next morning. She even called to check up on me during lunch and then returned for more after work! This time with junbokjook and pedialyte in hand. Thank you Jesus for a sista like Jo. Many a man would be lucky to have her, but few would ever deserve her.

On a side note, I am craving home right about now.

food poisoning is the worst. glad you had a great friend to take care of you! hope you fully recover soon!
no more 3 week old chicken unless you want to marry a toilet bowl
i'm so glad you feel better!!
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