Friday, October 06, 2006


Never mind emphysema

dan: i don't get people who smoke. it's so bad for them.
me: yeah, and it makes your teeth all yellow.
angie: i quite smoking because i'm vain.
me: haha! at least you're honest.

-- on Greene St., in between classes

Tommy is a funny guy

If I ever give a graduation speech, I'll probably say, "I'm very proud of you all," even though I don't really mean it.

When I buy VHS tapes, people usually ask, "hey, why do you buy VHS tapes?" I say, "This is why!" And then I throw it at them. I guess I can do that with a dvd also.

--a chalkboard sign outside of Think Coffee

My personal fav and new life motto

Eat all you want... you're already fat.

--courtesy of Rice to Riches

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