Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I've been waiting for Paula to recapitulate our run-in with beauty personified because she has a way with words, so here it is (she's writing from a slightly different perspective because I had always concluded that he was attractive, now more so than ever):

"OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG" was all I could say when I laid eyes on the most beautiful man I had ever seen in the flesh. It may not have been the most eloquent response, but it best captured my girlish feeling of flustered awe. Karen and I both wished we looked a little more pulled together; we were on the way to the NYU swimming pool and hadn't given much thought to our appearance.

What surprised me most was who it was. Let me remind you that he is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MAN I HAVE EVER SEEN. EVER. The instant I saw him, my first thought was "Whoa, he's gorgeous!" My second thought was "Whoa, that's... Adrien Brody?!" Who knew that the man who played an emaciated pianist in Roman Polanski's film would be so striking in person? And, he looked so.. hip! (Think perfectly tousled Jake Gyllenhaal hair, glowing tanned skin, and a toned physique.)

Karen and I looked at each other with stars in our eyes, walked past him (slowly), then sat on a nearby bench and observed as he played with his spirited golden retriever. When his take-out from Rice (a Thai place up the street from my apartment) was ready, he disappeared behind his sunglasses into anonymity and walked away.

It seems I'm more susceptible of being starstruck than I ever imagined I could be.

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