Wednesday, August 02, 2006

officially checked out

birthday wishes
to the little one. omg, you're 20.

though i pretty much checked out of all things school related last weekend, i officially completed the most horrendous summer session ever today. handed in my exam, strolled out of that classroom, and left everything behind. i don't really know what to do with myself now.

a flurry of extracurricular activities
meeting up with hanna reinspired me to pursue my old passions. i've been swimming 2 times a week with an instructor who has vastly improved my technique and i've found that i actually enjoy practicing as many additional hours as i can. not only that, but i've renewed my passion for the arts. ballet, jazz, tap, theatre, and voice are among the few classes i've begun taking at broadway dance center. the instructors are amazing. the classes are quality. i couldn't be more excited.

watch these and you'll get excited too. dance is AMAZING.. and these are only amateur contestants from another recent obsession (inspired by paula), So You Think You Can Dance?

two of my favorite pieces this season

with all these activities, i've basically opted out of having a social life, though it's not any different from my typical routine. i think i need to occupy my time with the things that make me happy because i'm so disappointed at not being able to spend my august at home. i miss home.

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