Wednesday, February 08, 2006


the groundhog
apparently i'm the only 23 yr old who actually believed groundhog's day was more than folklore. i thought that burrowing rodent was blessed with some freakish intuition and authority that defined the line of demarcation between winter and spring. sadly, no =( it is cold once again in nyc.

i'm amazed at how accommodating people become when they see me walk the streets in my ridiculous purple getup. a woman complimented my cleanliness at barnes as i wiped off the top of my table to study and a cute old man told me i'd be very successful after seeing the oversized textbook and nerdy bookstand i lugged around in my backpack. perhaps i should opt for that trendy look on a regular basis. i must admit, those sassy white shoes are comfy.

NY real estate
sleazy, manipulative, greasy brokers can kiss my ass. if it's morals, honesty, and altruism you want to abandon, this profession's for you.

it isn't looking good. at least not after reviewing my family's health genogram for lab. not only did my dad pass on his big feet, big head, and broad shoulders, he also genetically predisposed me to hypertension, cancer, and stroke. salads it is. except mine are usually composed of a whole lot of something else and a tiny side of lettuce. oh man.

talkin crazy
i don't know why, but everywhere i go i find myself sitting next to people who have elaborate conversations with themselves for extensive periods of time. their sporadic outbursts have me jolting in my seat every few minutes. it's quite unnerving.

california love
always. people in new york are so abrasive. the sad part is, i'm sure they've gotten stepped on by someone in the past and retaliate by screwing over someone else and so perpetuate this endless, vicious cycle. sometimes i want to yell in their scowling face, "geez, lighten up!" they need to get a taste of some hospitality before it escalates to the sodom and gomorrah level.

i need to study now. what am i doing. i'll end with this:

some of the nursing posse

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