Monday, June 13, 2005


first of all, HAPPY 24TH BIRTHDAY (june 9th.. or actually july something) to our glamour girl, Sewon Oum. we love you!!

LaLa's (great pick jahndee!) and Blink... celebrating with you was lots of fun. we must maximize our time before you and i go back to school!

lately i've been using one of those tempur-pedic cervical sleeping pillows and man-o-man, i've never slept more soundly. i very often find myself unable to wake up in the morning (except for yesterday's earthquake - what the heck was that).. a welcome change from my restless nights.


during my last deed of civic service, i sat and watched as a bunch of schmucks got picked for jury duty while other learned citizens were conveniently dismissed from the box. i was dumbfounded at how uneducated the average person was/is. since then, i've lost more and more faith in our judicial system and why not? THEY'VE DONE IT AGAIN. after failing to indict him for child molestation in 1993, the american people have once again pulled shades over their eyes (and analytical brains) in favor of michael jackson. i can't believe he got off scott free, even on the misdemeanor counts of administering alcohol to minors. why, i guess the kids just pulled the "jesus juice" thing out of their imaginative minds. but who are we kidding? this is the "Land of the Free" ... for the rich and famous, that is. sorry scott peterson, maybe you should have gotten yourself some double platinum albums, a shelf full of grammys, and a half a billion dollars before committing your crime. then maybe that psycho woman could release doves accordingly after each of your verdicts were read.

The accuser's family wasn't so clean either. That pillow looks really comfortable.
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