Thursday, May 12, 2005

this and that

lately i get hungry every 2 hours. someone people would say that suggests a fast metabolism, but doesn't that mean i should be skinny?

today i bought a meatball sandwich that came with a snack-size bag of ruffles potato chips. when i opened the bag i found, to my dismay, exactly ONE potato chip and maybe 4 crumbs. i know they've been getting shiesty with the air vs. chip ratio, but that's never happened to me before.

there was a high speed chase today beginning in wilmington and ending in long beach. after taking the cops for a wild ride through local streets and tearing up one of his tires, the suspect finally retired in a mcdonald's parking lot. of all places to end what seemed like a chilling escape from the law. maybe he was desparately craving those golden french fries that never seem to rot (according to Super Size Me, that is).

i think my berkeley webdisk account finally expired. i'm old and devastated =(

in light of my random thoughts, some random photos:

kira and rawlie at peace

kira and rawlie at war

a very happy grandpa at disney's california adventure

a geyser in my own backyard Posted by Hello

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