Tuesday, November 23, 2004

a tossed salad

this detroit vs. indiana game will go down in history... the brawl anyway. i personally think the punishment was too severe. ron artest should sue that fan's disrespectful butt in the meantime.

a brief trip anyway. on one of my many visits to DFC, i ran into my old mok-sahn-nim!! he's known me since i was a wee little toddler but i left dong shin pres before my college years and wondered if i'd ever see his happy face again (especially after he retired). but to my delight, i walked out of the bathroom stall to see his wife and was glad to hear that he was sitting in the sanctuary. apparently he had been going to DFC since he left our old church. small world =)

everyone has them... those songs that instantly remind you of some event in your life. well, alice and i will attest to a few korean hymns that will forever remind us of our unforgettable missions experience. while watching the thanksgiving presentations at dfc, one of the groups sang one of those dear missions songs (joo-nim eul mo-eem oo-riiiiiii) and i was instantly back in china sitting on that wooden pew. *sigh* i miss you alice! i also had a happy reminder of my one time singing with allelu last christmas. i'm always surprised when secular radio stations play songs by christian artists. look out for "when love came down" by point of grace.

a big =) it was um... beautiful, roy!!! ahahahhaha bravo God's stars!

with my nocturnal schedule, i've hardly seen my parents at home let alone visit them at work. so today my brief stop turned into 4 hours of hanging out at the gah-geh. going there reminds me how hard they work. i'm a bad daughter! be helpful to your parents, please.

hi karen! let's hang out.
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