Saturday, October 16, 2004

i <3 my friends

i realized this week just how much i need good women friends. jane graciously arranged a date for some of the working folk and me to meet in LA for dinner thurs night. by the time wednesday rolled around i was so anxious i could hardly concentrate on studying for my midterm. praise the Lord for sisterhood! i was almost craving the estrogen. thank you jane and sharon for a lovely evening. not that we did much, but just being around you both and knowing that there are some things only girls will understand was so refreshing.

how will i ever get married? i don't want a boy for a roommate forever =(

on a side note: after attempting to fill out a renewal fafsa, i'm convinced that i will never understand the concept of taxes. all the numbers and financial jargon made my head spin and my eyes cross. ms. jane kim, you can rest assured that you will have one committed client in the future. i'm keeping your accounting skills handy in my butt pocket. and who knows, maybe one day you'll be helping me manage my own little bakery with sharon as my HR person, jahndee as my attorney, and the rest of our circle contributing their 2 cents ;)

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