Friday, May 14, 2004

lesson learned
someone once said to me that the greatest difference he noticed between older (post-college) and younger (undergrads) people was their reaction to people and various situations... simply stated, that younger people aren't as forgiving of others' mistakes and shortcomings.

today i realized something: people shouldn't have high expectations of others, particularly their friends, especially if they aren't living up to those expectations themselves. they'll only end up disappointed, embittered, and awefully lonely.

as my 4 years as an undergrad quickly nears its end, i am finally learning to appreciate people for who they are, the good and the bad. i'll be the first to agree that with age comes cynicism, but feeling jaded means you thought you deserved or were owed something, and that goes against the fundamental truth of the Gospel. i only hope i can grow to see others with His eyes and love them as He does.

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