Saturday, September 14, 2002

hola everyone. it's quite sad that hardly anyone is emailing me, hello?? i still exist even if it is on a diff continent for the moment. so updates on my parisian get away:

the first week of school hasn't been as pleasant as i had hoped. actually i've been on an anger rampage for the past few days because of my lovely school. classes are too small meaning you can't sleep or skip out AND the ones you want are always full. not to mention the fact that add/drop is freakin IN PERSON, so i have to wake up at the butt crack of dawn and park myself in front of the office to avoid the massive lines. i have a new found love for telebears let me just say, and i hope you all will appreciate it.

i think i've become more of a hermit here than i am at home which is pretty sad considering this is one of the most cultured cities in the world. but i will eventually get over my laziness and go enjoy the beauties of france. i spoke to my mom and realized i'm not "sad-homesick," more like "i need a normal shower and a working toilet" kind of homesick. let me just tell about my shower here. for one thing, it operates on a manual showerhead so i have to invent a way to srub with one hand. second, it doesn't have a curtain so no matter wut i do water splashes everywhere. doesn't sound too bad? let's not forget that the bathroom is carpeted and that my host family hangs there drying laundry on a rack hanging above the shower. how on earth am i supposed to take one properly??? i suppose other ppl wouldn't mind... but my hour long showers were my means of relaxation and escape, and my mom knows that cuz she just laughed at me on the phone. =/

anyhow, enough complaining. one good thing about school is my opera class. i was reluctant to add it initially cuz it fell on a friday, but after yesterday i realized it was really relaxing and the teacher was so nice. we listen to opera during class and even get to take a field trip to one, so i might decide to keep it after all.

i have to find something to do today so i guess that's it for now. ta ta.

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